This Curvi Yogi is MINDFUL! Meet Amanda!

This Curvi Yogi is MINDFUL!

Meet Amanda, a yogi who finds movement freely through her practice!

1. What is the affirmation that resonates with you right now in your life? Why did you pick this affirmation?

I set my boundaries in order to remain true to myself.

I picked this affirmation because I felt pulled in many directions, but I hadn’t chosen one for myself. I say this affirmation to remember that it’s my choice to do or not to do something.

2. How did you start your yoga practice?

I’m dating myself, but my Mom gave me a VHS yoga tape for Christmas one year. I’ve practiced yoga on and off since then and continue to grow as a yogi.

3. As a Curvy Yogi, what obstacles have you had to overcome in your practice?

The need to be perfect. I think yoga has helped me slow down and just breathe. You don’t need to be perfect, just move.

Amanda in Tree Pose (Vriksasana)

4. What is your favorite yoga pose? Why?

I love frog pose (Mandukasana)! It’s a difficult pose but it feels so good once you get into the groove of it!


5. What is your least favorite yoga pose? Why?

Downward dog – just not a fan.

6. Do you use props in your practice? If so, what is your favorite prop to use? Why?

Yes, blocks and a yoga wheel! I love them both because they just give me extra support. I feel more stable in the poses and I can just breathe.

7. What advice would you give to other Curvy Yogis who are trying to build their practice?

Just keep moving! Don’t let anything stop you from practicing. Don’t think about anyone else’s opinions…..just enjoy the flow.


Thank you Amanda for sharing your practice with us!

You can find Amanda on Instagram here.
