This Curvi Yogi is FOCUSED! Meet Sherrell!

This Curvi Yogi is FOCUSED!

Meet Sherrell, a yogi who has found ways to make her practice her own!

1. What is the affirmation that resonates with you right now in your life? Why did you pick this affirmation?

What you seek, is seeking you.

– Rumi

I selected this affirmation at the beginning of the year because my one word for this year is Connection. Connecting in a deeper way to God, myself and others.

2. How did you start your yoga practice?

I started my yoga journey in 2016, by trying out the Beachbody 3 week yoga retreat. After doing the program and seeing how doable it was, I decided to keep going.

Sherrell in Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

3. As a Curvy Yogi, what obstacles have you had to overcome in your practice?

I have had to overcome the obstacle of feeling like my bigger body couldn’t do certain poses. I’ve learned that yoga really isn’t about the asanas, although they look really pretty and have awesome benefits. It’s more about how I live off the mat that matters.

4. What is your favorite yoga pose? Why?

My favorite yoga pose is tree pose. It is a pose that allows me to feel deeply connected to the earth as well as the heavens!

Sherrell in Tree Pose (Vrksasana)

5. What is your least favorite yoga pose? Why?

I don’t have a least favorite pose. I guess I would consider my least favorite pose, the one I haven’t figured out to do in a way that feels good to my body.

6. Do you use props in your practice? If so, what is your favorite prop to use? Why?

I use props all the time. My blocks are my favorite because they offer added stability.

7. What advice would you give to other Curvy Yogis who are trying to build their practice?

Keep things simple.

If you do one pose or only spend a few minutes on your mat, that is great.

If the pose makes you feel really good, stick with that sensation and listen to your body.

Thank you Sherrell for sharing your practice with us!

You can find Sherrell on Instagram here.
