This Curvi Yogi is a CONSTANT WORK IN PROGRESS! Meet Ashley!


Meet Ashley, a yogi who finds peace in her practice of mindful movements!

1. What is the affirmation that resonates with you right now in your life? Why did you pick this affirmation?

I am doing the best that I can.

I chose this affirmation because sometimes we think we have to always be doing more or we feel like we are not enough. But when I tell myself “I’m doing the best that I can” I remind myself that what I am doing is OK, it is enough , and it’s the best that I can do right now.

2. How did you start your yoga practice?

When I was in high school, I started working out at home with Fitness TV. One day, I finished my usual workout show and a new yoga show started so I decided to watch. It was love at first asana. I loved the way it felt to move my body slowly, thoughtfully, and I found that it was a mental escape for whatever I was going through at the time. It gave me all the positive feels.

Ashley in a Full Split (Hanumanasa)

3. As a Curvy Yogi, what obstacles have you had to overcome in your practice?

I am a tall, athletic, and curvy yogi and while my strength and athleticism help my yoga practice in many ways, it also hinders me from being able to do some poses that I would love to be able to do. I struggle with arm balances and inversions. They scare me! But I’m working on overcoming my fears and learning how to center and control my body.

4. What is your favorite yoga pose? Why?

Savasana, lol! What’s better than getting to lie down and do absolutely nothing at the end of an hour long yoga practice?

5. What is your least favorite yoga pose? Why?

I’m not a fan of side planks. I don’t like having to balance on one arm.

Ashley in Dancer’s Pose (Natarajansa)

6. Do you use props in your practice? If so, what is your favorite prop to use? Why?

 I love all the props! Blocks, straps, bolsters. But my favorite new prop is my yoga wheel. I used to avoid back bends and heart openers until I got my yoga wheel. I think props can be beneficial for yogis at all levels.

7. What advice would you give to other Curvy Yogis who are trying to build their practice?

Just do it!

Find a studio and a yoga teacher that you trust.

Don’t wait until you lose ____ lbs or find the perfect pair of leggings.

Don’t wait until your friend agrees to go with you.

Just go, listen to your body, don’t over think it, and be open minded.

Thank you Ashley for sharing your practice with us!

You can find Ashley on Instagram here.
