5 Things I’ve Learned Since YTT

Hello again to all my Curvy Yogis!
I completed Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) back in May of last year and it was one of the most mind opening experiences I’ve had. I learned a lot of things about yoga but today I want to share with you the top 5 Things I’ve Learned since having this experience.
#5  Celebrate Small Victories, Then Rest.
In yoga classes, there is a tendency to beat yourself up over not being able to do certain poses. You can try over and over to accomplish headstand,  but sometimes you can only put your head on the floor with your fingers clasped behind your head and your hips up as you walk your feet in towards your body. And that’s it, that’s your headstand.
This is the point where you have to remind yourself that in each pose,  there are a lot of muscles, bones, and joints working together to reach them. So if your muscles are not ready,  they are NOT ready and you may have to wake them up in order to achieve certain poses. With all of this being said, you must learn to Celebrate where you are in your own journey. Celebrate where you are,  knowing that it can be possible on your next try.
#4 Everyday in Yogi/Yoga Land is DIFFERENT
Along with celebrating small Victories comes the realization that every day of your practice will be different. Knowing that your muscles, bones and joints play a huge part in your yoga practice, it is also good to know that these will feel different everyday.  Mobility and Flexibility week vary, which can be the main reason why your split may be full one day,  and a half the next day. One day you may have open hip flexors and the next day they may feel tight.
It just depends on the day!
#3 Be Patient with Yourself
With everyday being different, it is important to be patient with yourself. You may be able to move fluidly through your practice one day, and the next you may have more rigid moves. Or one day you will be able to hit a perfect handstand and the next will consist of you kicking up in preparation for it.  Our first instinct is to get mad or frustrated and possibly give up. But we have to remember that this is a journey! It can and will take time for some achievements or results.  So be kind to yourself and patient!
#2  Yoga is way more than postures!
I knew this when I started training but diving into different aspects of it helped to open my mind to the world of YOGA.  Yoga is comprised of 8 limbs and we are most familiar with Asana or Posture.  So when most people refer To their yoga practice. They are referring to their ASANA practice.
Yoga also includes PranaYama which is the focus on the breath and Dhyana which is meditation.
For a brief overview on the different limbs of yoga, click here.
With all of this being said, the number one thing I’ve learned since YTT is…….
#1 Your Practice is your own and it will not look like anyone else’s!
This is what I say to beginners who are hesitant to try the Asanas of yoga.
Your physical yoga practice is not about how to make your body look like everyone else’s,  it’s about being aware of your body and how it moves through yoga asanas or postures.
Everyone’s body is made differently and everyone’s muscles and joints move in different ways.  So comparing your body to someone else’s or comparing the way you enter, hold,  and exit a pose to someone else’s is like comparing apples to oranges.
So if you are a beginner and are having doubts about taking a class,  you should recognize that you are there to create more awareness in your own body so that you know when to push yourself, and when to relax or rest.  Sometimes the hardest thing for you to do is to listen to what your body is telling you.
Yoga is for EveryBODY.
Sending Love and Light your way,
 This Curvi Yogi